Data Delivery

In 2010 СineLab was among the first to develop digital cinema in Russia. That included DCP mastering, replication, generation of KDM’s and delivery (on Hard Drives) a standardized version of a digital motion picture. At present CineLab has the largest number of Hard Drive kits for DCP copies in Russia (more than 4000 kits in a turnover). Within the development strategy of these activities was founded CineLab Data Delivery. The foundation of the company was also confined to the start of the namesake project – a service for transferring digital content to cinema theatres in Russia and the CIS via satellite.

Our Services

How does it work?

The satellite delivery system is already operating in more than 900 cinemas (3600 screens) in Russia and CIS. The first delivery of the digital feature film "One day" (FOCUS) via the satellite was carried out in August 2011. Commercially the system was launched in operation in March 2012. Today all major cinema chain operators in Russia use CineLab Data Delivery network to receive digital films: Karo Film, Cinema Park, Kinomax, Formula Kino, Kronverk Cinema, Luxor Cinema, Five Stars Cinema, Cinema Invest, Premier halls, Baikal, Veri Velli, Kinomechta, Investkinoproyekt (Kinoplex), Art Science Cinema, Barguzin, Charlie, Mori Cinema, Star Cinema, Kinopark. We already work with Walt Disney Company and Universal Pictures. Our equipment is installed in cinemas of Moldova, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kirgizia, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Belorussia.

Live broadcast

All the theatres within the CineLab satellite system can now set up live broadcasts of cultural and sports events (stage performances, operas, ballets, sports games, presentations, opening nights, etc.) Our unique technical solution gives an opportunity to install additional equipment in no time and at a low price.

More than 100 cinema theatres have already taken advantage of live broadcasts with CineLab. To provide the best stage content we have partnered up with the Russian leading broadcast distributors – “Cool Connections” and “Teatralnaya Rossia”. High quality broadcasts from the best Russian and world renowned stages is available thanks to the CineLab’s own solution which provides the spectators with lossless sound and image. That technology easily opens new boundaries to the cinemas and significantly broadens the choice for the movie-goers.

Why is CineLab Data Delivery service better?


Common problems...

Key objective of CineLab Data Delivery is to limit the risks associated with the use of physical media for data delivery.
Each exhibitor gets the following benefits from using our delivery system:

  • Delay in delivery of hard drive with a premiere copy
  • Physical damage to a disk during delivery
  • Problems with downloading of material to a video server
  • Problem with the activation key
  • Need to return or forward a hard drive
...our solutions!
  • All the necessary equipment is provided and installed for free
  • 24-hour monitoring of receiving equipment operability
  • High reliability of the system (automatic verification of received data integrity, fault-tolerance server, support)
  • Ability to use systems for delivery of alternative content in real-time: sports events, concerts, press conferences
  • Ability to use the system as a library for storing movies (from 20-30 movies)
  • Three times less time for downloading of content to video server

Finally, by participating in our project, you will increase reliability of your cinema theatre operation without additional financial investments.

Common problems...

Physical delivery of digital copies has some negative aspects for every distributor:

  • High price, especially when delivering to remote regions of the country
  • Time-consuming, requires precise planning of courier services operation under tight deadlines
  • Technical support to cinema theaters is limited by phone and is difficult in case of any problems with downloading information from a disk
  • Physical delivery by courier services does not guarantee security and exact timing of delivery
  • Problems with returning of hard disks from cinema theaters. Disks or components of the kit can be lost or broken. Compensation for such damage is quite costly
  • Shipping and return of digital copies to the CIS countries is difficult and expensive because of issues related to customs clearance
...our solutions!

Key objective of CineLab Data Delivery is to limit the risks associated with the use of physical media for data delivery. Each distributor gets the following benefits from using our delivery system:

  • Ideal channel for distribution of content via satellite, covering the entire territory of Russia and CIS countries
    (multicast technology, guaranteed delivery within 72 hours)
  • Maximum safe method of delivery (DCP encryption, transfer of content via VPN, log for registration of all transfers, 24 hour monitoring of the receiving equipment operation, compliance with DCI standards)
  • Data storage of receiving server (4TB capacity) can hold up to 30 digital films acting as a "digital library" of cinema theater
  • Reliability (automatic check of integrity of received data, fault-tolerance server, upport)
  • Equipment from the leading manufacturers in the world (5-year warranty)
  • Cost-effectiveness compared to the traditional methods of copying and delivery
  • Rapid response to calls for maintenance teams in case of hardware failure (own installation and service teams are located in different regions of Russia)
  • possibility to use systems for delivery of alternative media content in real-time (sports events, concerts, press conferences, broadcast reports from the red carpet)


We are open to any type of cooperation and new clients worldwide.
We are always at your disposal via the contacts below.

  • CineLab Ltd.
  • 125445, Moscow, Russia
  • 65-5 Leningradskoe shosse