Space for installation of Equipment shall be of two units (2U) height to 90 cm depth in a 19'' rack with the equipment. If the storage depth is less than 90 cm, 3U in height is needed to install the server, so that it will be placed on an extra shelf.
Access to the Equipment rack from the back side shall be provided during the installation of the server.
In order to connect power supply to the Equipment there shall be 3 220V sockets designed for total power of 1000 W, preferably connected to an uninterruptible power supply unit.
There shall be the following temperature and humidity conditions for the proper operation of the Equipment in the premises:
Temperature range from 10° to 35° C
Humidity range from 20% to 80%
For the operation of the data transmission system the server shall have a permanent IP address in the internal network. Access for the outgoing/incoming traffic for port 9012 TCP/UDP shall be open in firewall settings.
Attention! If you change the IP-address of the data receiving point, then contact person of the Party shall promptly notify the Support Center of CineLab Data Delivery, LLC (tel. 8-800-100-72-88, ext. 1225, e-mail: support@cinelab.ru ) for the adjustment of the network settings!
In order to set the data transmission system, the video server of the Party shall be located in close proximity to the data receiving server, or it shall be possible to connect it via LAN. To specify the configuration of the equipment the Party shall have the contact information of the video server supplier.
The key to the front panel of the data receiving server will be given to and shall be kept by the person in charge of the Second Party. Upon request of the CineLab Data Delivery representative the key to the front panel of the data receiving server shall be given to the CineLab Data Delivery representative.
We are open to any type of cooperation and new clients worldwide. We are always at your disposal via the contacts below.